【帰国報告】Mattia Marinelli, E-mobility and Prosumers Integration, Department of Wind and Energy Systems, Technical University of Denmark.
2025.01.17 / 研究報告
早稲田大学 | 先進理工学研究科・先進理工学専攻 TD3:大崎文暉
I visited E-Mobility and Prosumer Integration section, led by Mattia Marinelli, at Technical University of Denmark (DTU) from October 1st to December 21st. During this research visit, I have collaborated with Mattia Marinelli, Francesco Pastorelli, Jan Martin Zepter, and David Menchaca Santos to explore the potential of integrating public electric buses into power grids with high penetration of renewable energy resources. We examined the impact of time-varying CO2 emissions on electric bus charging schedules for reducing carbon emissions across different regions. Part of my contribution will be included in an EV4EU report. Additionally, our comparative study between Denmark and Japan has been submitted to and accepted by an international conference.
All members, comprising over 30 researchers at the Risø campus, warmly welcomed me. At the beginning, we played board games together. In November, I participated in a team-building activity. In December, our section held Christmas party, and the division also organized their own parties. These events, along with daily interactions with my colleagues, are among the most memorable moments of my stay.
Life outside DTU was peaceful and quiet. The Danish people are kind to foreigners and fluent in English, making daily interactions easy. The well-integrated transportation system, with unified payments, is highly convenient in comparison to the Japanese system.
These experience allowed me to gained insights into international communication and developed research skills while collaborating with colleagues from diverse backgrounds. This invaluable experience will contribute to my future career as a researcher. I sincerely appreciate all my colleagues who kindly supported me throughout my stay in Denmark, and I look forward to continuing our international research collaboration.
Last but not least, I am grateful to my supervisor, Professor Yasuhiro Hayashi, and administrative coordinators who encouraged me to embrace this precious opportunity.
Collaboration team members: Mattia Marinelli, Francesco Pastorelli, myself, Jan Martin Zepter, and David Menchaca Santos.